New Editorial Intern: Daniel Daws!


My quest so far, has been to create/ magnetize a community around the things I think are important, i.e. expression and expansion of understanding.  So Sundress has (or I at least anticipate it will have) given me the opportunity to be in firmer connection with like-minded people who can engage in community building, and in part are already in the process of community building with Sundress.

I am a writer–I am working on saying that without whispering it–and as a younger writer it was easy for me to romanticize the idea of the great Individual: but I don’t exist in a vacuum, and the way what I write is read is also not self-contained.  This brings me back to the community aspect:  I want to incorporate as many subjectivities into mine as possible, and while I’m very interested in people that don’t think very much like me, the people who do provide a platform to engage with what I’ve experienced (the ideas I’ve encountered) with people who don’t: A farm of mutual growth I guess is what I see Sundress as.


Daniel Daws writes: “I’m a pretty white guy trying to escape Buddhist philosophies, trying also not to abide by Herman Hesse when he says he will no longer be guided by anything other than himself. Being a line cook at a restaurant and a college graduate, the outward workings of my life do little to separate me from post-teen angst. I am primarily a fiction writer who dabbles in poetry. I’m from East Tennesse. And as a valley dweller, I grew up worshipping great heights–the kind of worship that includes fear and rejection of the body, meaning I often don’t know what to do with myself.”

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