Wardrobe Best Dressed: Sara Henning’s “Most Home”

Most Home

Walls with your alibi,
make me sieve.

Between this winter that stains
and the mouth of winter,

hold me colorless,
hold me white tulip.

I want the birds submissive,
like I want the sun

to dress me in its duration,
like I want to lay my hands

on the afternoon and remove
its mask, hurt animal,

understand its human


“Most Home” appeared in Sara Henning’s collection, A Sweeter Water, available from Lavender InkPurchase your copy today!

Sara Henning is the author of the full-length collection of poetry A Sweeter Water (2013)as well as a chapbook, To Speak of Dahlias (2012). Her poetry, fiction, interviews and book reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Willow Springs, Bombay Gin and the Crab Orchard Review. Currently a doctoral student in English and Creative Writing at the University of South Dakota, she serves as Managing Editor for The South Dakota Review.

This week’s Wardrobe Best Dressed was selected by Erin Elizabeth Smith. Smith is the Creative Director at the Sundress Academy for the Arts and the author of two full-length collections, The Fear of Being Found (Three Candles Press 2008) and The Naming of Strays (Gold Wake Press 2011). Her poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Mid-American, 32 Poems, Zone 3, Gargoyle, Tusculum Review, and Crab Orchard Review. She teaches a bit of everything in the English Department at the University of Tennessee and serves as the managing editor of Sundress Publications and Stirring.


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