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Sundress Announces a Fundraiser to Support beestung!

Sundress Publications invites contributions to support the production of beestung, a new quarterly online micro-magazine for non-binary and two-spirit writers and readers, with an emphasis on intracommunity sensibilities.

Resisting the canon and all forms of bigotry, this entirely volunteer-run magazine under the imprint of Sundress Press, a 501(c)3 non-profit will publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrids, and art by creators who fall under the non-binary umbrella, with specific attention to historically underrepresented writers. beestung will never charge a submission fee.


What these contributions create:

beestung met their first donation goal and now have a stretch goal that will allow them to publish for three full years. This stretch goal asks for an additional $499. Editor Sarah Clark said, “For an additional $499, we can publish for a third year, fee-free, paying contributors $20 each. I think sustainability is a big project for literary publications…” Thanks to generous supporters who helped them off to a promising launch, securing sustainability can now be their goal. Further donations will be used toward that end.

Who’s behind beestung?

Sarah Clark is Editor-in-Chief and Poetry Editor at Anomaly, Co-Editor of The Queer Movement Anthology (Seagull Books, 2021), a reader at The Atlas Review and Doubleback Books, and an Editorial Board member at Sundress Press. Clark has edited folios for publications, including Anomaly‘s GLITTERBRAIN folio and a folio on Indigenous & Decolonial Futures & Futurisms, Drunken Boat’s folios on Sound Art, “Desire & Interaction,” and a collection of global indigenous art and literature, First Peoples, Plural. Sarah freelances, and has worked with a number of literary and arts publications and organizations.

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